
I’ll never forget the time my boss sent me up a broken ladder

I was 20, desperate for a job as I was recently charged with trafficking marijuana (long story but I basically had two ounces of shake and got charged for trafficking, couldn’t afford a lawyer) it’s now legal for my government to sell weed but I still have a criminal record for it. I was working for a sign shop and we were installing a sign, my boss sets up the ladder and tells me to climb it while holding this $4000 dollar plexy sign. Sure enough the ladder breaks and I fall, while trying to brace the sign with my shin. A single corner got bent on the sign. What did my boss do? He didn’t ask if I was ok or needed help. He called me a fucking idiot. It was my fault the shitty ladder broke. Moral of the story, don’t sacrifice any of yourself for someone to…

I was 20, desperate for a job as I was recently charged with trafficking marijuana (long story but I basically had two ounces of shake and got charged for trafficking, couldn’t afford a lawyer) it’s now legal for my government to sell weed but I still have a criminal record for it.

I was working for a sign shop and we were installing a sign, my boss sets up the ladder and tells me to climb it while holding this $4000 dollar plexy sign.

Sure enough the ladder breaks and I fall, while trying to brace the sign with my shin.

A single corner got bent on the sign.

What did my boss do? He didn’t ask if I was ok or needed help. He called me a fucking idiot. It was my fault the shitty ladder broke.

Moral of the story, don’t sacrifice any of yourself for someone to make profit.

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