
I’ll never give my phone # to my employer

I worked a maintenance job where everyone in the ranks is lazy and if you work you will get fired, aka my little slice of heaven. This taught me that you clock in, you goof off, and you clock out. No one needs to email or phone you for everyone to get paid. When you’re getting hired, sure they can call or email. Once that’s happened, no more phone or email. If they want time with you, they can set an appointment during work hours to talk. I loved that job, it helped me set a high standard for what I expect out of work in my short life. —————— Why I lost it: I loved it but I messed up in that job. I was young when I started and I was so scared about trying to prove I was working when all shift for 10 months I watched…

I worked a maintenance job where everyone in the ranks is lazy and if you work you will get fired, aka my little slice of heaven.

This taught me that you clock in, you goof off, and you clock out. No one needs to email or phone you for everyone to get paid. When you’re getting hired, sure they can call or email. Once that’s happened, no more phone or email. If they want time with you, they can set an appointment during work hours to talk.

I loved that job, it helped me set a high standard for what I expect out of work in my short life.


Why I lost it: I loved it but I messed up in that job. I was young when I started and I was so scared about trying to prove I was working when all shift for 10 months I watched Netflix DESPITE my boss wanting both of us to be lazy and being bothered by my trying to prove I wasn’t. He would walk in with tons of groceries, sit in a room and game / FaceTime his wife. He wanted to be left alone and didn’t like productivity talk. I felt he resented it too much and I didn’t know how to change and I was too uncomfortable to go back to the job and never went back after Covid. Such a stupid reason to not keep a dream job! Now I’m out of that state I was working in and want a similar job.

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