
I’ll sit down at work if I feel like it.

I really don't know what it is as a manager or corporate dick head that compels you to berate a low level worker for sitting down while working. It is an extremely toxic and ineffective behavior that doesn't contribute to ANYTHING. How much money do you really lose when I take a quick sit after a three hour long rush? How does it make a company look bad when a tired worker needs to temporarily relieve themselves by doing a simple action corporate assholes do all day every day when they show up to work? I don't blame American employees for hating their bosses when they get reprimanded for petty shit like this. You think any employee making under $18 an hour gives a flying fuck about you having a problem with them sitting down after dealing with some of the worst people all day or working relentlessly without break?…

I really don't know what it is as a manager or corporate dick head that compels you to berate a low level worker for sitting down while working. It is an extremely toxic and ineffective behavior that doesn't contribute to ANYTHING. How much money do you really lose when I take a quick sit after a three hour long rush? How does it make a company look bad when a tired worker needs to temporarily relieve themselves by doing a simple action corporate assholes do all day every day when they show up to work? I don't blame American employees for hating their bosses when they get reprimanded for petty shit like this. You think any employee making under $18 an hour gives a flying fuck about you having a problem with them sitting down after dealing with some of the worst people all day or working relentlessly without break? Get your priorities straight and MANAGE, not fucking babysit.

An employee who has the most sales, no sick days, and has happily gone along with your horrible lack of personality for far too long

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