
Illegal Work Practices?

I work for a larger corporation that pays a yearly salary instead of an hourly wage. The stipulation for working for this company, we have to live on site. Based off what my salary is and the amount of work that I do, I make less than $7 an hour (in a place that has a minimum wage of $15/hour), I work 12 hour days, as well as on call anywhere from 2-4 times a week (not included in the $7/hour math), in which I’m expected to be available 24 hours a day for anything and everything that comes up. As well with all that, I’m expected to deal with the managers that randomly take time off, without warning, or will hand the on call phone over 5 minutes before the end of the day. My question is, do I have even a slight case to go to the labor…

I work for a larger corporation that pays a yearly salary instead of an hourly wage.

The stipulation for working for this company, we have to live on site. Based off what my salary is and the amount of work that I do, I make less than $7 an hour (in a place that has a minimum wage of $15/hour), I work 12 hour days, as well as on call anywhere from 2-4 times a week (not included in the $7/hour math), in which I’m expected to be available 24 hours a day for anything and everything that comes up.

As well with all that, I’m expected to deal with the managers that randomly take time off, without warning, or will hand the on call phone over 5 minutes before the end of the day.

My question is, do I have even a slight case to go to the labor board (or similar places like that), as I feel like I’m running on fumes, and can’t even get a full nights sleep because of calls in the middle of the night.

Any help or comments about what to do would really help!

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