
Im 18. Im scared.

Hi, r/antiwork. This is my first ever reddit post, so, apologies if I don’t meet any formalities or rules that are a commonality here. I just needed somewhere to set my thoughts. Currently, I work 72 hours a week at 12 dollars an hour. Im fortunate, my parents care enough to let me live with them, but I feel a cloud of guilt. I can’t live off them forever, and I’m doing my very best to find a way to a brighter future. However, part of me feels theres no hope left. Elections aren’t going to solve anything, people are too afraid to speak out, we can’t make change because we’ll be silenced. Its a scary world. Growing up, I admired the beauty of what was around me. Now, I only live in fear, not knowing if my future is certain, or is riddled with debt and misfortune. I try…

Hi, r/antiwork.

This is my first ever reddit post, so, apologies if I don’t meet any formalities or rules that are a commonality here. I just needed somewhere to set my thoughts.

Currently, I work 72 hours a week at 12 dollars an hour. Im fortunate, my parents care enough to let me live with them, but I feel a cloud of guilt. I can’t live off them forever, and I’m doing my very best to find a way to a brighter future.

However, part of me feels theres no hope left. Elections aren’t going to solve anything, people are too afraid to speak out, we can’t make change because we’ll be silenced. Its a scary world. Growing up, I admired the beauty of what was around me. Now, I only live in fear, not knowing if my future is certain, or is riddled with debt and misfortune. I try to find ways around it all, to invest in things and get lucky, but its all a loss. I feel conned, screwed, scammed. I worry for the future of this world.

Bottom line, I feel as if I was thrown out of high school, and sold to the highest bidder.

Is there an escape? A light at the end? Im young, I know, but it all looks bleak still. Any help, advice, encouragement. All is appreciated.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have a blessed day.

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