
I’m 3 weeks into a new job and I can’t stand my manager

I started a new retail job to go alongside my studies 3 weeks ago, It seemed like the perfect job! the hours fit perfectly with my uni timetable, good pay rate and good holiday benefits (that works well for me as I’m from Ireland but study in England!) but there’s one problem.. my manager is the most insufferable human to be around. This probably sounds so dramatic but trust me, she’s impossible!! She tells me to one thing, I go to do and then she questions what I’m doing and tells me to go do something else. I go do it and bam again another problem. She Just questions everything I do and breathes down my neck constantly. Usually I’d just take a breathe and say “okay :)” cause I can’t be bothered wasting my energy but genuinely the frustration is more exhausting! Tonight I had to snap at her…

I started a new retail job to go alongside my studies 3 weeks ago, It seemed like the perfect job! the hours fit perfectly with my uni timetable, good pay rate and good holiday benefits (that works well for me as I’m from Ireland but study in England!) but there’s one problem.. my manager is the most insufferable human to be around. This probably sounds so dramatic but trust me, she’s impossible!!

She tells me to one thing, I go to do and then she questions what I’m doing and tells me to go do something else. I go do it and bam again another problem. She Just questions everything I do and breathes down my neck constantly.

Usually I’d just take a breathe and say “okay :)” cause I can’t be bothered wasting my energy but genuinely the frustration is more exhausting!

Tonight I had to snap at her as I was sick of the constant hovering and questioning me. She told me to mop the floor and only gave me 10mins to do, so of course I flew around mopping the floors but thats not good enough, she took the mop of me and then redid it again and questioned whether I really did it or not.

Theres so so so much more but id be talking all day! How do I stand up to her?? I genuinely don’t know how Im going to cope, I’m trying to hold out until Christmas so I can get home to see my family but I really can’t Stand her 🙁

I’m in again tomorrow but I genuinely can’t bare the thought of going in again. Also its been only 3 weeks and I’ve already cried twice in work from the frustration (It seems so silly but it just builds up and I just have to cry and let it out lol).

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