
I’m a fucking idiot and have made my life harder for no good reason.

I wanna quit my job. I'm not happy where I am, I'm not getting paid enough, and I'm sick of feeling like I don't fit. Out of a shop of 6 people I'm the only one who doesn't get invited to or involved with stuff outside of work, and it kinda sucks that they all have multiple private chat groups with each other but have never asked me to be part of any of them. I've tried being friends with them, tried making an effort to get to know them, but I'm still on the outside of the group. The manager is a narcissistic asshole and is rude and cruel to staff and clients for no reason other than they can be. And they get away with it because “that's just the way they are” and they're so close knit with the other staff that no one would ever think…

I wanna quit my job. I'm not happy where I am, I'm not getting paid enough, and I'm sick of feeling like I don't fit. Out of a shop of 6 people I'm the only one who doesn't get invited to or involved with stuff outside of work, and it kinda sucks that they all have multiple private chat groups with each other but have never asked me to be part of any of them. I've tried being friends with them, tried making an effort to get to know them, but I'm still on the outside of the group.

The manager is a narcissistic asshole and is rude and cruel to staff and clients for no reason other than they can be. And they get away with it because “that's just the way they are” and they're so close knit with the other staff that no one would ever think about trying to argue about it.

Anyway I fucked up because I've been wanting to leave for about 3 months. A raft of reasons have kept me from doing it immediately including staff being away and unable to work, covid infections at work, and just wanting to make sure I don't fuck the owner around (as I do like them personally). But I told them I want to go back home, I haven't been back since before covid began. I said I don't think I will come back, and I got told how much it will fuck everything up. Then I got told maybe wait another few months to do it instead, then I can come back because it would suck if I came back to no job (I already have one lined up).

They told me to wait a few days to make a decision. I made it in an instant but I'm gonna wait till they have a meeting about it with me and I'll be handing in my notice.

I'm sick of feeling like I'm useless in a place where everyone is meant to be equal and treated fairly. Someone told me the other day that I can't sweep properly ffs.

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