A little context… I work at a 3 story medical facility. On the 3rd floor is a lab that runs 24 hours a day. Theres also people who pick up and drop off specimens, 24 hours a day. There are 2 bathrooms next to the elevator right by the main door that get used, maybe as much as a gas station bathroom. They're always a mess. I was told I had to use those bathrooms.
I clean maybe 20, 25 bathrooms a day. My boss came up to me and said, “What bathroom do you use?” I was caught off guard and literally speechless. She then told me to use the bathrooms by the elevators from now on because they're always getting dirty anyway.
The thing is, I literally clean the bathrooms.
Tl:Dr I'm a 35-year-old who just got told where he can and can't shit in the bathrooms that I clean.