
I’m a lead supervisor at a hotel hell and I want to quit

I'm a supervisor fill in for when the other supervisor wants time off. My time is split between public spaces, rooms, laundry and supervising. We've been short staffed to the point where in one day, I am all those titles. I'm fucking tired I'm so tired of working 7+ days with one day off (maybe two days off when the hotel gods favor me) because we're short staffed. I've been there for almost 3 years now and we have always been short staffed even before Covid. I have a family who's school and work schedule is M-F with weekends off. Not me. I complained repeatedly for weeks, to the other lead supervisor, to the AGM , the GM and HR about doing every other weekend, even pleaded for every other Saturdays at least because I know Sundays are our busiest days. I was told that they'd “work something out, shouldn't…

I'm a supervisor fill in for when the other supervisor wants time off. My time is split between public spaces, rooms, laundry and supervising. We've been short staffed to the point where in one day, I am all those titles.

I'm fucking tired

I'm so tired of working 7+ days with one day off (maybe two days off when the hotel gods favor me) because we're short staffed. I've been there for almost 3 years now and we have always been short staffed even before Covid. I have a family who's school and work schedule is M-F with weekends off. Not me. I complained repeatedly for weeks, to the other lead supervisor, to the AGM , the GM and HR about doing every other weekend, even pleaded for every other Saturdays at least because I know Sundays are our busiest days. I was told that they'd “work something out, shouldn't be a problem.”

That was a year ago and in a way they complied because in order to get a weekend off I have to work more than 5 days. If I have a Monday and Tuesday off and I want a weekend off that means I have to let them know at least a week beforehand and my schedule goes like this: Monday, Tuesday off and on W, T, F, S, S, M, T, W, T, F with Saturday, Sunday off. Back on M, T and off Wednesday and Thursday, then back on for F, S, S.

My mental health has been at an all time low to the point that when I do have days off, I don't get out of bed. I rarely shower any more or brush my hair. I'm moody and quick to snap at my family. Cooking and eating is a chore, I only do it now to stop the feeling of passing out. I sleep right up until my alarm goes off, scramble out of bed, drop the kid off to school and off to work I go. We're so busy at work that I don't even take the time to eat because I'll end up behind.

I wake up every morning so anxious over what the shit show will look like once I show up. I cry at work and come home ready to go to bed immediately but can't because I have a family I need to care for with zero energy to do so. We have more housekeepers leaving and only one person showed up (who were not hiding because of a failed background check) out of the 3 scheduled interviews, and 5 emails asking to to schedule an interview. It's been like this since I started at this place. The turnover is high, the pay is shit, and the work is stressful.

Yesterday ( Wednesday) was my day off and I woke up to two texts from the other supervisor asking me to come in because there's a lot of rooms. I said I had appointments going on and she replied that she understood but “what about tomorrow?” my other day off. I ignored it and when I got up this morning there was another text from a coworker saying her kid is still sick, can I cover for her? I ignored it as well.

It's always the same people calling out who I need to cover for. When I'm supervising my ass goes and helps the team clean rooms, do stayovers, clean public area, fold laundry AND check rooms. The other supervisor will just MAYBE go and make one bed for everyone…I feel guilty for ignoring the texts but I can't do it. I can't go in. I'm exhausted and I want my life back!

TLDR; I'm a houskeeping supervisor with multiple job titles who wants to quit because I'm over worked, under paid. My depression and anxiety is getting worse due to this job.

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