
I’m a quitter and I encourage quitting..

So I’m a 90’s baby (94’ to be exact) and if there’s one thing I encourage, it’s quitting. Shitty management, quit. Coworkers who act like management even though y’all are getting paid the same thing, quit. Being asked to do things that aren’t in your job description, quit. Pretty much anything that’s annoying other than customers because I can deal with them, I’d advise you quit. If there’s one thing I’ve learned once you let the people at your job slide once, those hoes will ice skate all over you! Everyone and their grandma is hiring, you’ll find a new job. If it’s mentally draining, QUIT. If you’re part time and they have you working full time hours without the benefits, quit. My sister in-law suffers with really bad depression and anxiety, she doesn’t do well with confrontational situations at all.. she called me on her first day working at…

So I’m a 90’s baby (94’ to be exact) and if there’s one thing I encourage, it’s quitting. Shitty management, quit. Coworkers who act like management even though y’all are getting paid the same thing, quit. Being asked to do things that aren’t in your job description, quit. Pretty much anything that’s annoying other than customers because I can deal with them, I’d advise you quit. If there’s one thing I’ve learned once you let the people at your job slide once, those hoes will ice skate all over you! Everyone and their grandma is hiring, you’ll find a new job. If it’s mentally draining, QUIT. If you’re part time and they have you working full time hours without the benefits, quit.

My sister in-law suffers with really bad depression and anxiety, she doesn’t do well with confrontational situations at all.. she called me on her first day working at a gas station ( why she chose I gas station I have no idea ). She couldn’t even get her words out but I already knew what was up, I said “Wait til your break, call your mom and have her come pick you and go home” QUIT! It’s not that’s people don’t want to work, it’s that people aren’t paying us enough to deal with all the BS that comes with the job. Gas is high, rent is high, groceries are high. If you want me to deal with fuckery, you’re going to have to open up your corporate pockets just a bit more!! Don’t get me wrong, I’m a hustler. I was working 3 jobs pre-pandemic just to get by, but they paid very well. I’ll work hard if you pay me what I’m worth.

EDIT: I DO NOT condone quitting a job until you’ve found a backup job. Start the application process, have your interview, get the confirmation that you have been offered the position while at your current job so you’re not left searching for weeks for new employment.

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