
I’m a teacher that’s been the subject of an investigation since May and I still haven’t been told specifically what it entails. It’s BS and my union won’t do anything until I’m contacted by an investigator.

I’ve also been reassigned. Luckily I’m still getting paid. I just wonder why this takes so long, for what it’s worth I work in a big city public school system. I don’t want to resign because it would make me look guilty, just sick of this system. I know what it could relate to, and to be honest, it could have been settled with a conversation between me, the other party, and the principal, but apparently it had to be treated like a federal incident and make me look like a monster. It really has left a bad taste in my mouth going forward with teaching, but also a good lesson to always be careful with what I do and say as anything can be misconstrued.

I’ve also been reassigned. Luckily I’m still getting paid. I just wonder why this takes so long, for what it’s worth I work in a big city public school system. I don’t want to resign because it would make me look guilty, just sick of this system. I know what it could relate to, and to be honest, it could have been settled with a conversation between me, the other party, and the principal, but apparently it had to be treated like a federal incident and make me look like a monster. It really has left a bad taste in my mouth going forward with teaching, but also a good lesson to always be careful with what I do and say as anything can be misconstrued.

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