
I’m about to be fired because of my special needs son

I've worked here for nearly two years. I've lost time from work due to calls from the school demanding I pick him up due to some violent outbursts. I've had my son in therapy since he was 2, he's 10 now. His special needs are ADHD, mood disorder, dyslexia and dyscalculia tied in to the ADHD, depression, anger due to being molested by his dad, I mean, this kid has it rough. I've done everything I can to help him, and then some. Last year, things were really rough for him at school, and lost a lot of time at work, due to having to get him from school. This year, with new meds, he's much better, but its not perfect. About 2 weeks or so ago, he got into a fight, I got called, had to miss a day and a half because he was suspended from school. I'm…

I've worked here for nearly two years. I've lost time from work due to calls from the school demanding I pick him up due to some violent outbursts.
I've had my son in therapy since he was 2, he's 10 now. His special needs are ADHD, mood disorder, dyslexia and dyscalculia tied in to the ADHD, depression, anger due to being molested by his dad, I mean, this kid has it rough. I've done everything I can to help him, and then some.
Last year, things were really rough for him at school, and lost a lot of time at work, due to having to get him from school. This year, with new meds, he's much better, but its not perfect. About 2 weeks or so ago, he got into a fight, I got called, had to miss a day and a half because he was suspended from school.
I'm good at my job. I know more than most in my store, in different departments. For the past 2 months, 2 coworkers have been out due to surgery, and I've worked the job of 3 people, picking up their slack.
I got called into the office today to be told I'm unreliable. They know why, but I'm unreliable nonetheless. I was told that if I get another call from the school to pick him up, I'll be fired. I've been called once this year due to his behavior, but I guess it's a cumulative thing, overflowing from last year.
I'm heartbroken, because I have a decent job, but can they fire me for this? Of course, I'm in the US, and in an at will state. I've received $2 in raises in these 2 years, have never been written up either. This was a “warning” according to my boss.
Any advice?

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