
I’m about to go on another interview…

Can I vent? I am mentally drained. I don’t even want to go on them anymore! I get anxiety while showering and getting ready. Last three interviews I went on were red flag city. One did the ol’ bait & switch. Another tried to bullshit me into creating marketing content on their Canva account. LOL. I got up and left. The third… the owner stared at my tits the whole time! I was wearing a freaking long sleeve button down shirt. Come onnn! Every job interview is an absolute shit show. I feel like I’m practically groveling for fucking shitty pay. This is so depressing. I can’t take it anymore so I’ve started working on my own business because I can’t work for a corporate 9-5 office job forever. It’s soul draining. But I need something to pay my bills in the meantime. So here I go again to another…

Can I vent? I am mentally drained. I don’t even want to go on them anymore! I get anxiety while showering and getting ready.

Last three interviews I went on were red flag city. One did the ol’ bait & switch. Another tried to bullshit me into creating marketing content on their Canva account. LOL. I got up and left. The third… the owner stared at my tits the whole time! I was wearing a freaking long sleeve button down shirt. Come onnn!

Every job interview is an absolute shit show. I feel like I’m practically groveling for fucking shitty pay. This is so depressing.

I can’t take it anymore so I’ve started working on my own business because I can’t work for a corporate 9-5 office job forever. It’s soul draining. But I need something to pay my bills in the meantime. So here I go again to another interview…

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