
I’m an idiot.

I used to work at a popular coffee chain. My manager was known for being verbally abusive and shitty towards her employees. She had a habit of accusing people of stealing, yelling during rushes, over and under scheduling staff, and spreading rumors about her employees. I got along with everyone there for the most part and I was warned multiple times about her behavior. It took her roughly a month to start pulling her normal shit on me. The first time was when she noticed a coworker and I getting close and hanging out outside of work. I still talk to this coworker. She's an amazing friend. Our manager told her that I was talking shit about her and calling her various rude names behind her back. We would close together a lot and never had any issues until said manager had told her this lie. Suddenly my friend refused…

I used to work at a popular coffee chain. My manager was known for being verbally abusive and shitty towards her employees. She had a habit of accusing people of stealing, yelling during rushes, over and under scheduling staff, and spreading rumors about her employees. I got along with everyone there for the most part and I was warned multiple times about her behavior. It took her roughly a month to start pulling her normal shit on me.

The first time was when she noticed a coworker and I getting close and hanging out outside of work. I still talk to this coworker. She's an amazing friend. Our manager told her that I was talking shit about her and calling her various rude names behind her back. We would close together a lot and never had any issues until said manager had told her this lie. Suddenly my friend refused to talk. To anyone. She felt unwelcome because of this lie. This friend would go on to get fired for missing days after her boyfriend's unexpected death.

Another time I witnessed this behavior was towards another coworker. This coworker had been through a horrible accident at young age and had gone through a brain injury resulting in her not being able to catch up as quick as the rest of us. The majority of us would happily work with her and reaming calm and patient. The manager on the other hand would call her “slow” and a “fucking dumbass” almost daily She was hired months after me, so I made sure she was aware of the manager's behavior before coming in. She quit after months of being bullied by this manager.

I worked here twice. My last straw was months in my 2nd round of hell when I'd been there for a while. The manager would schedule me for normal shifts, but then have me stay for doubles 4 out of the 6 days I worked because she didn't have anyone to cover the closing shifts. So I'd be there opening to close 5am – 10 pm with no breaks and I'd obviously have to pay for any food items I wanted during my shift. When I'd been hired this time, I was promised exclusively closing shift in order to avoid the mistreatment. Then people started leaving and she forced me back on opening shift just to have me stay for doubles.

Recently, I had to quit my dream job that I was totally lucky to get because of unexpected workplace issues (that's a story for another day). Well my old manager found out and asked me to come back again. Without thinking, I agreed. I'm supposed to come in at 6 am. In 5 hours. I don't think I can do it. I'm a fucking idiot for agreeing. I've been unemployed for a month now and need the money (the tips are where it's at), but I don't think I can do it. They're expecting me, but dude I can't think of going back without crying.

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