
i’m apart of the problem

yes i’m apart of the tipping problem, i’m writing this as i feel really really guilty right now, this could just be me being over dramatic but i feel sick. sorry for the shitty format, i’m on mobile. all of this just happened a few moments ago, and i still feel sick to my stomach. today was my last day of school, and my friends and i had to say goodbye to quite a few teachers this year since they won’t be here next year, and just more bad news on top of bad news. after school, we decided to go to our favorite sushi restaurant. we go to this restaurant all the time and try our best to tip when we can, today however was different. my gf was paying and she was only paying with a gift card her mom had given her. it was just the 3…

yes i’m apart of the tipping problem, i’m writing this as i feel really really guilty right now, this could just be me being over dramatic but i feel sick. sorry for the shitty format, i’m on mobile.
all of this just happened a few moments ago, and i still feel sick to my stomach. today was my last day of school, and my friends and i had to say goodbye to quite a few teachers this year since they won’t be here next year, and just more bad news on top of bad news. after school, we decided to go to our favorite sushi restaurant. we go to this restaurant all the time and try our best to tip when we can, today however was different. my gf was paying and she was only paying with a gift card her mom had given her. it was just the 3 of us and we all ordered one thing, just one, it still however went over by a dollar so she paid with the little amount of money she had left, and that was that. fast forward to when we get up and leave, and the server stops us and goes “you know people tip and chinatown, right?” i could feel my heart sink, because i warned my gf about it but she said she didn’t have enough, she then explained that her dad was expecting her to bring back the cash she had on her, and i realized how fucked we are. my gf’s dad is borderline abusive if not already there, and i know we sure as hell can’t go back now, i feel so fucking awful, like a freeloader since i have no money, i hate myself so fucking much because i can’t blame the waitress at all for it, i don’t know what to do, it was like a cherry on top of a fresh shit sundae, i’ve never been more ready to end it in my life, this is gonna eat away at me and all i can do is take it, i know i deserve, i just…i’m sorry

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