
Im applying for college now and I’m scared.

What’s the point of busting my ass off for four years just for a job that I’ll barely be able to live off anyway? Why is this the life that I’ve resigned myself to? I’m not just talking about career options. From what I can tell looking at my dad who works nine hour days to barely afford food and from having been part of this sub for a while now, adult life is working life is miserable, and you get nothing out of it. I don’t even want to imagine what it’s like for people who aren’t able to afford higher education. Why does it need to be like this? Why can’t it be better? Why don’t we live in a world where everyone is guaranteed a fair wage, sick leave, maternal/paternal leave, healthcare, and food? When did we become content with this dystopian hellscape? The longer we wait…

What’s the point of busting my ass off for four years just for a job that I’ll barely be able to live off anyway? Why is this the life that I’ve resigned myself to? I’m not just talking about career options. From what I can tell looking at my dad who works nine hour days to barely afford food and from having been part of this sub for a while now, adult life is working life is miserable, and you get nothing out of it. I don’t even want to imagine what it’s like for people who aren’t able to afford higher education.

Why does it need to be like this? Why can’t it be better? Why don’t we live in a world where everyone is guaranteed a fair wage, sick leave, maternal/paternal leave, healthcare, and food? When did we become content with this dystopian hellscape?

The longer we wait to take major action the harder it will be. Already the top one percent have solidified their power. They have developed effective methods for stunting our movement. They tell us to play by the rules, to file lawsuits, to form unions, to strike. They fight against us to make us feel like we’re accomplishing something but in the end they always get their status quo.

We can’t keep doing this. We can’t play by their rules. We have the numbers. We have power. We can cripple their entire economy at a moments notice. The tower they stand upon is our cowering backs. We need to rise up and tear them down! I’m tired of ranting and complaining on forums and then seeing nothing happen. The system doesn’t work. We need a new one.

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