
Im at a complete loss for words.

I am in a Union and I am dealing with the most incompetent forman. He lies, steals hours, personally attacks myself and other co workers. I have repeatedly reported him to my business rep, Ive reported him to the Project Director and The Head Boss of the company. They are all aware of this fucking Idiot. Yet somehow, he manages to talk himself out of every situation possible, making it seem like the “apprentices” are the ones at fault. We show up to work today and I find out from a Co Worker that he split my hours into 2 different days when it was just 1 shift. And I double checked with the other Forman with the hours and it says 6 on Friday, 10 on Saturday. I was there from 6 pm to 10 am for a night shift. Now Its gonna get fixed I aint worried about…

I am in a Union and I am dealing with the most incompetent forman. He lies, steals hours, personally attacks myself and other co workers.

I have repeatedly reported him to my business rep, Ive reported him to the Project Director and The Head Boss of the company. They are all aware of this fucking Idiot.

Yet somehow, he manages to talk himself out of every situation possible, making it seem like the “apprentices” are the ones at fault.

We show up to work today and I find out from a Co Worker that he split my hours into 2 different days when it was just 1 shift. And I double checked with the other Forman with the hours and it says 6 on Friday, 10 on Saturday. I was there from 6 pm to 10 am for a night shift.

Now Its gonna get fixed I aint worried about that. But this is concrete evidence of him harassing and stealing from an employee.

If he survives this I have lost all faith in my Union. Why the fuck am I even apart of somthing to protect me when all I am is just another apprentice for the book numbers.

TL:DR This Forman needs to be reprimanded, and kicked out the Union. I love my job, I have fantastic bosses, but somehow this man have the world best silver tounge.

And how can I escalate this further? Ive contacted the larbor board and they said to contact my rep…. but my rep isnt doing much of anything but taking the Incompetent formans side….

Thanks for letting me rant here.

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