
I’m at a loss here

I’ve (f) been working for this company for about a year and half at this point and currently am in a new position. My old position was essentially customer service. I dealt with sexual harassment often by customers and the company turned a blind eye. It really was upsetting but I just kept my mouth shut because everything was over the phone and not face to face. I switched to my new position a few months ago and while the pay is nice I just took on a set of new problems. While I’m not getting “sexually harassed” one of the men I work under (we’ll call him A) is making me extremely uncomfortable. He finds it funny to “stress me out” and taunts me. He will dump about ten different projects on my desk and say “you stressed yet?” With a smirk. He even asks me to do physical…

I’ve (f) been working for this company for about a year and half at this point and currently am in a new position. My old position was essentially customer service. I dealt with sexual harassment often by customers and the company turned a blind eye. It really was upsetting but I just kept my mouth shut because everything was over the phone and not face to face. I switched to my new position a few months ago and while the pay is nice I just took on a set of new problems. While I’m not getting “sexually harassed” one of the men I work under (we’ll call him A) is making me extremely uncomfortable. He finds it funny to “stress me out” and taunts me. He will dump about ten different projects on my desk and say “you stressed yet?” With a smirk. He even asks me to do physical labor. Two other men I work with thought he was insane for asking me to lift a 70 pound thing and they arranged for the thing to be loaded for me. Get this. A was actually MAD that the other men (well call them B and C) helped me out. He wanted me to do it on my own. I am 100 pounds and have scoliosis (besides the fact that I’m a woman lol). So physically I cannot lift things. It’s like he almost gets off on ordering me around to do things like this. He will be a complete ass to me one second and my best friend the next. I keep my distance and I try not to be too friendly but this is too much. I know everyone is going to tell me to quit but right now I’m in a place on my life where I need this type of job. Im dealing with a lot in my personal life and essentially want to go back to school soon so I was planning to stay here until I get that figured out. I just don’t know how to proceed with this. Do I get myself fired? I need the money.

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