
Im at a loss of what to do [sorry this is really long]

I work two jobs. I cashier at a big chain store, and then I do closing shift for a little local cafe. Said cafe has suffered greatly between changing ownerships and the pandemic, and I am currently one of two workers total, the other being well over 80. Im quite certain that if it werent for me applying this year, the place would be closed. Recently Ive been working closing shift alone, now that Ive been trained for it. It's nice to give my coworker a break since the boss has been wearing her thin and doesn't seem interested in/able to afford more hirees. I close there for all days of the week but one, and god forbid I ever call off. I used to text my boss if I couldnt come in, but she directed me to tell my coworkers directly. I feel like shit doing so though, since…

I work two jobs. I cashier at a big chain store, and then I do closing shift for a little local cafe. Said cafe has suffered greatly between changing ownerships and the pandemic, and I am currently one of two workers total, the other being well over 80. Im quite certain that if it werent for me applying this year, the place would be closed.

Recently Ive been working closing shift alone, now that Ive been trained for it. It's nice to give my coworker a break since the boss has been wearing her thin and doesn't seem interested in/able to afford more hirees. I close there for all days of the week but one, and god forbid I ever call off. I used to text my boss if I couldnt come in, but she directed me to tell my coworkers directly. I feel like shit doing so though, since she's so overworked, and we're the only ones running this whole place.

Today I got hit with a last minute change. I dont have a license yet nor the funds for a car, which sucks for suburban America, so I have to rely on my parents. Before yall judge I am freshly out of high school and definitely not on my feet yet. And to be honest, I didnt want to go to work today anyway, given that I had my shift at the other job just an hour before I was due to come in. Im exhausted and need to talk with my other manager about hours, but for today I decided I couldnt do it and of course, began looking for any possible excuse.

I havent called off the cafe work in a while, so I figured it'd be okay tonight, but my coworker claimed it was super busy and I had to come in. It wasn't busy for me last night at close, and a busy sunday isn't really a thing but who am I to question that? I really didn't feel like it and hit her with the no transportation excuse, to which she complained about this being “why you shouldn't hire anyone with no car or license.” That stung, especially given how she revealed to me before that she only got her license at age 25 after letting permits expire. I dont have a permit yet, I have a physical to get done because those forms expire faster than they used to.

Im trying hard not to antagonize her because a) she's old b) she's overworked c) it's not a long shift at all for me. The cafe is open for maybe 6 hours at the most, so our shifts are split in half or I get 4/6 hours, though I did just have my own morning shift at the other place. I get her being angry but…what does saying that accomplish? I dont want to antagonize my only coworker. But I feel super guilty for just wanting a break. Is this guilt tripping?? Am I letting my job cross my boundaries? Please help Im hardly an adult

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