
I’m at my end (rant)

I haven’t been able to find a new job I have no car and am in a city with a purposefully horrid public transit system. This job is so toxic bot in culture and environment. There is black mold in my office and no ac in most the building. This job is killing me and I don’t see any future on this planet for me. Im autistic and it seems like will only ever be taken advantage of and abused emotionally by every job I will ever have what’s the point in being alive if im condemned to a life sentence of this. It doesn’t matter how hard I try or how good of a worker I am I will never catch a break and I will never make enough to be comfortable let alone be able to afford to eat. Suicide is quickly becoming the only thing I can…

I haven’t been able to find a new job I have no car and am in a city with a purposefully horrid public transit system. This job is so toxic bot in culture and environment. There is black mold in my office and no ac in most the building. This job is killing me and I don’t see any future on this planet for me. Im autistic and it seems like will only ever be taken advantage of and abused emotionally by every job I will ever have what’s the point in being alive if im condemned to a life sentence of this. It doesn’t matter how hard I try or how good of a worker I am I will never catch a break and I will never make enough to be comfortable let alone be able to afford to eat. Suicide is quickly becoming the only thing I can do to escape. I have lost everything in two years and I will never get them back no matter how hard I push. I’ve been burnt out and now trying to light ash in hopes of making it further, but there is nothing left to burn. Im completely and totally broken.

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