
I’m at my wits end

I live in Ontario, Canada. Wtf is going on? This place is a wasteland. With this recent news of teachers wanting to strike and the provincial government trying to force them to do otherwise…my question is when do we all just strike? To me that’s a huge violation. I’m not a teacher but I’m tired of showing up to my job where we too are constantly understaffed, underpaid, undertrained, unappreciated and overworked. On top of this, everything is on the rise. Groceries, housing, transportation. Fuck outta here it’s inflation, it’s greed. I can either afford very little at the expense of my mental health or I can afford nothing if I chose to prioritize my well being. My existence is not a business opportunity. My existence is not illegal. Why tf didn’t we get a day off for the Queen’s death? Idgaf about her but you’re telling me I’ve had…

I live in Ontario, Canada. Wtf is going on? This place is a wasteland. With this recent news of teachers wanting to strike and the provincial government trying to force them to do otherwise…my question is when do we all just strike? To me that’s a huge violation.
I’m not a teacher but I’m tired of showing up to my job where we too are constantly understaffed, underpaid, undertrained, unappreciated and overworked. On top of this, everything is on the rise. Groceries, housing, transportation. Fuck outta here it’s inflation, it’s greed. I can either afford very little at the expense of my mental health or I can afford nothing if I chose to prioritize my well being.

My existence is not a business opportunity. My existence is not illegal.

Why tf didn’t we get a day off for the Queen’s death? Idgaf about her but you’re telling me I’ve had to look at her face on MY money my whole life and then I have to go to work while government officials put their feet up? Ok if not for her then why not for truth and reconciliation day? Oh no, not good enough for a day off there either, just go to work and line the pockets of the rich…that will mend all wounds. How about Remembrance day coming up? Should this not have been a paid holiday decades ago? When is it ok to give full respect and gratitude for our history? Nope, go to work.

They don’t care. They’ve never cared. They will never care. Doug Ford has shit all over this province. Canada in general has become a greedy malicious place to live.

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