
I’m being forced to share my bonus with an invisible person?

I work in property management, where it is just me and one other person at the location. Well, for the past ten weeks, it's just me. They have not had any luck trying to find a replacement for my assistant. Part of my pay includes a monthly bonus based on meeting goals and such. The bonus is split between the two employees based on hours worked for the month. Well I just received my bonus for August, which should have been over $900. It was $470. When I inquired about wtf was going on, I was told that since my location was budgeted for 360 hours, and I only worked 180 I only got the half that I worked. Excuse me? I'm budgeted for 2 people, and managed to do all of the same work by myself. Wouldn't that entitle me to more money instead of less? Apparently not. So…

I work in property management, where it is just me and one other person at the location. Well, for the past ten weeks, it's just me. They have not had any luck trying to find a replacement for my assistant. Part of my pay includes a monthly bonus based on meeting goals and such. The bonus is split between the two employees based on hours worked for the month. Well I just received my bonus for August, which should have been over $900. It was $470.

When I inquired about wtf was going on, I was told that since my location was budgeted for 360 hours, and I only worked 180 I only got the half that I worked. Excuse me? I'm budgeted for 2 people, and managed to do all of the same work by myself. Wouldn't that entitle me to more money instead of less? Apparently not. So I told them not to expect me to work that hard on my goals for September, because I'm not working twice as hard for half the money.

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