
I’m being let go from a contract in 2 months, and have zero motivation at this job now.

I am still desperately trying to find a new one, but all I get is recruiters calling me all day long, and so far no REAL movement on any of these “leads”. It's super annoying because I want out of my current job so bad because I'm so sick of faking it and pretending like I care about an organization that's so willing to drop me like a turd… I've totally stopped participating in their stupid workplace cultural calls and events, and have no motivation to have comradery with any of my coworkers lol

I am still desperately trying to find a new one, but all I get is recruiters calling me all day long, and so far no REAL movement on any of these “leads”. It's super annoying because I want out of my current job so bad because I'm so sick of faking it and pretending like I care about an organization that's so willing to drop me like a turd…

I've totally stopped participating in their stupid workplace cultural calls and events, and have no motivation to have comradery with any of my coworkers lol

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