
I’m being suspended w/o pay because a manager who doesn’t like me accused me of being 30 minutes late, and the CEO is the godfather of his child.

I have no history of being late. I have no history of anything. I've never had any disciplinary action taken against me. No verbal warning. No written warning. Nothing. I wasn't even asked if I was late. I didn't even know I was being accused of being late. The manager wrote a report making the accusation, and because time fraud is universal grounds for termination in America, and a manager's word will always mean more, his accusation holds more weight than my denial. And my denial is useless, because the CEO who makes the final decision about my suspension has a major conflict of interest. So the guy who doesn't like me is going to cost me 45 days of pay, and there is nothing I can do.

I have no history of being late. I have no history of anything. I've never had any disciplinary action taken against me. No verbal warning. No written warning. Nothing. I wasn't even asked if I was late. I didn't even know I was being accused of being late. The manager wrote a report making the accusation, and because time fraud is universal grounds for termination in America, and a manager's word will always mean more, his accusation holds more weight than my denial. And my denial is useless, because the CEO who makes the final decision about my suspension has a major conflict of interest. So the guy who doesn't like me is going to cost me 45 days of pay, and there is nothing I can do.

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