
I’m choosing myself and quitting today!

My counsellor said it sounds like I'm in an abusive relationship with my workplace and I agreed with her. I provide counselling to clients in a small community organisation. I have been staying in the relationship (job) for the children (my clients) despite being victimised by my partner (management). I love this analogy. Management targeted me after I became the union rep. They tried to performance manage me for issues including “wearing AirPods in the office”. At a meeting with a third-party mediator where I was supposed to express my feelings of being targeted, the HR woman yelled, cried, and said that I was bullying HER. At this meeting they also asked me to promise to not share any of this information with the union and to trust in the internal process. They refuse my leave, or make me wait for three weeks while they consider it. They put us…

My counsellor said it sounds like I'm in an abusive relationship with my workplace and I agreed with her. I provide counselling to clients in a small community organisation. I have been staying in the relationship (job) for the children (my clients) despite being victimised by my partner (management). I love this analogy.

Management targeted me after I became the union rep. They tried to performance manage me for issues including “wearing AirPods in the office”. At a meeting with a third-party mediator where I was supposed to express my feelings of being targeted, the HR woman yelled, cried, and said that I was bullying HER. At this meeting they also asked me to promise to not share any of this information with the union and to trust in the internal process. They refuse my leave, or make me wait for three weeks while they consider it. They put us through a workplace review, where staff gave anonymous feedback, it was presented to everyone as a group and people were asked to speak about the issues. When no one spoke, they were like “great, everything is fine”. They want staff to come up with ways to solve problems such as “the CEO worked from home during covid lockdown, while all staff were made to work from the office, (despite having no in-person meetings), and the CEO never even popped in to see how we were faring” and “management don't make eye contact or say hello when we pass in the hall” and “HR don't know our names”.

I don't have another job yet, but I am fortunate to be able to take some time to look. I need to prioritise my wellbeing over that of my clients.

I'm scared/excited. Would love your wise words of reassurance!

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