
I’m completely burnt out on the white collar corporate lifestyle.

Call it burnout, depression, laziness, lack of motivation, whatever. I don't care anymore. I'm done with constant useless meetings that could be summarized in a few points as an email or Teams message. I'm done with layoffs. I'm done with mergers and acquisitions. I'm done with the endless barrage of mandatory training, one to ones, seminars, conferences, townhalls, and “fireside chats”. I'm tired of rich CEOs paying themselves huge bonuses while the rest of us can't make ends meet. I'm tired of the expectation to work at any hours of the day, and to keep apps on my personal phone related to work so I can monitor important emails and messages. I know. 1st world problems. Many who work in the trades or “blue collar” jobs have it a lot tougher. But what I have been doing for 10+ years just feels so fucking soulless. Tired of sitting on my…

Call it burnout, depression, laziness, lack of motivation, whatever. I don't care anymore.

I'm done with constant useless meetings that could be summarized in a few points as an email or Teams message.

I'm done with layoffs.

I'm done with mergers and acquisitions.

I'm done with the endless barrage of mandatory training, one to ones, seminars, conferences, townhalls, and “fireside chats”.

I'm tired of rich CEOs paying themselves huge bonuses while the rest of us can't make ends meet.

I'm tired of the expectation to work at any hours of the day, and to keep apps on my personal phone related to work so I can monitor important emails and messages.

I know. 1st world problems. Many who work in the trades or “blue collar” jobs have it a lot tougher.

But what I have been doing for 10+ years just feels so fucking soulless. Tired of sitting on my ass 10hrs a day staring at a screen.

I have no passion for what I do anymore, and it's definitely showing. My boss has requested a one to one later this week with me and I'm hoping she lets me go.

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