
I’m considering job abandonment. Is this a bad idea?

I will preface this by saying I'm embarrassed to even talk about this since it is so incredibly juvenile, and it is extremely upsetting because I consider myself to be a hardworking professional and have never dealt with anything like this before. I have been working in a supervisory position for a large company for less than 4 months. Within these 4 months, twice someone on my team has spread rumors about me and made false accusations about my professional behavior to my direct manager. TWICE. After the first time, I thought, all I have to do is just keep working hard and prove myself, and this will all be behind me. I thought, surely my manager would verify any information with other team members if they really took these accusations seriously. The second time, I was accused of unprofessional behavior during a team meeting. This could have easily been…

I will preface this by saying I'm embarrassed to even talk about this since it is so incredibly juvenile, and it is extremely upsetting because I consider myself to be a hardworking professional and have never dealt with anything like this before.

I have been working in a supervisory position for a large company for less than 4 months. Within these 4 months, twice someone on my team has spread rumors about me and made false accusations about my professional behavior to my direct manager. TWICE. After the first time, I thought, all I have to do is just keep working hard and prove myself, and this will all be behind me. I thought, surely my manager would verify any information with other team members if they really took these accusations seriously.

The second time, I was accused of unprofessional behavior during a team meeting. This could have easily been verifiable by asking other team members at the freaking meeting, but instead my direct manager calls me and just straight up yells at me. I'm like, this again? Really?? There are quite a few other red flags and incidents outside of me and my department. Every day is like, what is going to happen next? It's such a toxic work environment with a really unhealthy work/life balance expectation. I was so over it by that phone call, I wasn't even upset.

So in between these two times, I was approached by a job recruiter for a similar role in another company. It pays a little more and has really great benefits. I haven't gotten the job yet, but I've been through several interviews and the only step left is that they want to speak to my previous employer where I worked for 14 years also in a supervisory position. I have a great relationship with that employer, so I know my chances of getting this job are extremely high.

The long and short of it is, I should know in a couple days if I have that job. I'm considering calling into work this week, and if I hear that I got the job, I'm just going to message that I'm quitting and drop off all my shit. I can afford a couple weeks off of work, and I feel like the gap in my resume wouldn't be too harmful considering it's just a few months and I can use any excuse. Family matters, school, whatever. Is it a bad idea to consider just abandoning ship?

Thank you for reading if you got this far and for any advice or insight.

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