
I’m deciding between two jobs, need some Marxist/anti-work perspectives

Current job: -$57750 salary (will be at least $60k in July), still low for my title -Offered me mostly remote work moving forward when I lied and said I was leaving to work remote (hypothetically saving me 138 hours of commute time annually) -13 days PTO annually (14 in July), 6 paid holidays -Historically had a boss that worked me to death. I spoke to HR and he was actually fired, and the CEO apologized personally -Still haven’t replaced that boss 2 months later so I’ve been on my own -CEO is still really demanding about our revenue which I don’t have much control over -Have given me 2 raises and 2 promotions in the last year and my temporary boss advocates for me. They would probably make up a new, better title for me if I wanted it a year from now -Recently have realized I can streamline most…

Current job:

-$57750 salary (will be at least $60k in July), still low for my title
-Offered me mostly remote work moving forward when I lied and said I was leaving to work remote (hypothetically saving me 138 hours of commute time annually)
-13 days PTO annually (14 in July), 6 paid holidays
-Historically had a boss that worked me to death. I spoke to HR and he was actually fired, and the CEO apologized personally
-Still haven’t replaced that boss 2 months later so I’ve been on my own
-CEO is still really demanding about our revenue which I don’t have much control over
-Have given me 2 raises and 2 promotions in the last year and my temporary boss advocates for me. They would probably make up a new, better title for me if I wanted it a year from now
-Recently have realized I can streamline most of my responsibilities and work 30 hour weeks, especially while remote
-Much bigger company with more responsibilities; known for putting pressure on managers until they crack

New job offer:

-$28.85 hourly ($60k annually at 40 hrs/week), low for my title
-Said it would probably be okay to do 1-2 days per week remote once out of trial period (hypothetically saving me 35-70 hours of commute time annually if they’re telling the truth)
-16.5 days of PTO, 11 paid holidays
-Tried to offer me $25/hr to start (even though I’m already underpaid for my title)
-Small company where I’d be a department head-very unlikely I’ll be able to move up
-The CEO seemed to genuinely care in the interview and other staff members expressed how thoughtful he is when asked about the pros/cons of the company
-Donates 1% of their revenue to sustainability/climate change measures, and supposedly submits employee pay data to a third party to ensure there’s no discrimination against women/BIPOC

The new company seems to really care, but I’ve been fooled by the sales pitch before. Every other job I’ve had has exploited me in some way and it’s hard to believe this one will be different. The remote work offer at my current job is also hard to pass up since I can get so many chores/errands done without anyone knowing. But if our revenue takes a dip, I know the CEO will be up my ass constantly and he’s insufferable.

Thoughts on which of these options would be better long-term for my mental health and work-life balance?

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