
I’m done. I am so, so done.

Lost post, sorry. I (20F) work for a grocery store. Deli department, to be exact. Arguably the hardest department in the store to work in. The absolute WORST customers frequent the department. They often times treat employees like complete shit, order us around, and think that we should do everything based on their individual needs and we should have everything when they want it how they want it. It's the only job I could find that works with my college schedule, so I'm stuck. Nobody else wants to hire me due to my availability. I've been here for 1.5 years. If I quit, I wouldn't be able to afford anything college wise. Or my phone bill. Or anything like that. I'm stuck. Listen. As much as I hate the job, I always try to put my best foot forward. I try to boost morale among my coworkers, I try to…

Lost post, sorry.

I (20F) work for a grocery store. Deli department, to be exact. Arguably the hardest department in the store to work in. The absolute WORST customers frequent the department. They often times treat employees like complete shit, order us around, and think that we should do everything based on their individual needs and we should have everything when they want it how they want it. It's the only job I could find that works with my college schedule, so I'm stuck. Nobody else wants to hire me due to my availability. I've been here for 1.5 years. If I quit, I wouldn't be able to afford anything college wise. Or my phone bill. Or anything like that. I'm stuck.

Listen. As much as I hate the job, I always try to put my best foot forward. I try to boost morale among my coworkers, I try to be as quick and as friendly as possible, and I get everything done that I'm supposed to do in a timely manner. I don't slack off. Recently, I had to change stores. My other store was short staffed and I was quite literally being stalked, so I transferred to a location closer to me thinking it would be better. Nope. Ever since I arrived, another assistant department manager who transferred to the store around the same time as me has had it out for me. She knows the store manager personally, so he's been out for me too.

This assistant manager would yell at me in front of customers, yell at us to be in uniform when she herself was NOT in compliance with uniform code at all, order us to do things while not doing anything herself, and she even went so far as to make a report to me to the front office SEVERAL times about my “aggressive behavior” and my “unwillingness to work.” To which the assistant store manager laughed because in my 1.5 years of working, I've never had a SINGLE complaint against me. She worked at my previous store, so she's familiar with me. Even my department manager defended me saying that she never heard a word about any aggressive behavior coming from me. Oh, well, got a verbal warning, and that was it. Went to HR, reported my assistant manager for harassment, creating a hostile work environment, and receiving bias treatment from the store manager. HR came in to speak to her while the store manager was on vacation, and she walked out and refused to speak to them. She's been suspended since because no one can officially fire her because they can't reach her. Has she been written up even though she displayed all these behaviors over a month and had been reported to managers for it several times? Nope.

So, yesterday, store manager comes back and calls me specifically over the store intercom. I go to the manager's office, only to find out he's written me up for a customer complaint that apparently came in three days ago. Apparently, some lady said I told her “I know what I'm doing, don't tell me how to do my job.” I would NEVER in my right mind say that and it's ridiculous. I remember the customer they were referencing, and it happened TWO days ago and I said absolutely nothing like that, despite the lady being rude to me. I tried to refute the claim, but the write-up is already printed out. No chance to defend myself, and store manager defends his friend, my suspended assistant department manager, when I explain all of the reports against me came from her, who had been reported to HR for harassment. He still defends her and puts the write-up in my file. They do this on a day my department manager, the one who defended me the first time, was off.

Felt targeted, especially because I told the store assistant that I submitted a complaint to HR in case HR came to the store or called her. I was trying to be nice, but store manager got the info and retaliated. I'm so done. I gave so much to this company, only for grown adults to choose to pick on me because I don't let them run me over, bully me, and basically treat me like a subhuman. Managers get a little bit of power and think they can do what they want to people and I'm over it. Really wish I could tell them how it is and quit, but I can't. It sucks.

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