
I’m drained

I'm 18, I work full-time in a slaughterhouse, part-time as a model and I'm in college. One is physically draining, the other mentally draining and the latter is both, and if my family wasn't on the brink of complete misery, I would quit all of them. Going to college gives me some perspective of a better life, but as time passes and I watch my country fall apart before my eyes, this hope vanishes, I work cutting and packing the meat I can't afford, I stay until late after work hours to snoop some bones so we can have some protein for dinner, I also witness the glamour of the elite life, always so close but out of my reach. Life is always finding new opportunities to show how poor I am, and how I'll never have more than just the bare minimum to survive. The government is taking away…

I'm 18, I work full-time in a slaughterhouse, part-time as a model and I'm in college. One is physically draining, the other mentally draining and the latter is both, and if my family wasn't on the brink of complete misery, I would quit all of them.

Going to college gives me some perspective of a better life, but as time passes and I watch my country fall apart before my eyes, this hope vanishes, I work cutting and packing the meat I can't afford, I stay until late after work hours to snoop some bones so we can have some protein for dinner, I also witness the glamour of the elite life, always so close but out of my reach. Life is always finding new opportunities to show how poor I am, and how I'll never have more than just the bare minimum to survive. The government is taking away my working rights one by one, and protesting against it is met with brutality and the risk of losing my job and not having what to eat.

Is it too much to ask to live like a human being, and not like the cattle I butcher?

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