
I’m feeling duped.

Today I started a new job. Today I quit that job. This was a job I really needed in order to start my future of independence. Let me explain. So about a month ago I left my last job where I was a store manager. I was doing 44 hours a week by myself and my assistant manager only worked the days that I had off. Not too bad but the whole month I was there by myself I did not get the pay raise I was promised, this was going to be my third year with the company. The final straw was when my assistant decided to not open the store on my day off. After I had just gotten home from an interview I was called at 6pm by my DM. I was told I had to open the store for an hour so we can make sales.…

Today I started a new job. Today I quit that job. This was a job I really needed in order to start my future of independence. Let me explain.

So about a month ago I left my last job where I was a store manager. I was doing 44 hours a week by myself and my assistant manager only worked the days that I had off. Not too bad but the whole month I was there by myself I did not get the pay raise I was promised, this was going to be my third year with the company. The final straw was when my assistant decided to not open the store on my day off. After I had just gotten home from an interview I was called at 6pm by my DM. I was told I had to open the store for an hour so we can make sales. We made 50$ that night. I turned my keys in the next day. I’ve been doing instacart to supplement my bills while job searching. I was hired by a warehouse to do 40 hrs a week at 17$ sun-wed. I wasn’t thrilled about the hours but I figured it couldn’t be that bad and I needed the money. Well it turned out to be a shit show. They trained me for 5 minutes and then I left to my own devices. My scanner was in Spanish and so was everything around me. The workload was so heavy that I felt I couldn’t leave my station to ask for help. A manager came over to me to hand me a piece of paper with the new hours on it. The hours were 6-4:30 Thursday-Tuesday. I would not have taken this job if I had known that. I protested and was pulled aside to speak to the man who hired me and he told me this change was made last week. I again protested and why he couldn’t call me to tell me that before I started? After a few different talks with people who were surprised I was upset I was put back in a different area to finish my day. Despite the language thing I managed to do really good and finally left. My issue is that I had no help and was only told what the actual schedule was halfway through my day. I’m upset because I could’ve been looking elsewhere this whole time but instead I stopped looking because I thought I had something good and now I’m back at square one again with no job to go back to. Thank you guys for letting me rant.

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