
I’m fuming

I didn't even want this job that bad but I can't believe the recruiter or whoever it was before I get “recommended” over to the hiring manager asked me why I changed jobs 4 times in the last year and looked at that as suspect? And then in response I go and say that I was looking for a full time role so I don't see that as something that is negative in fact im doing what's best for me which is seeking full time work. And she literally said she didn't like the way I responded and hung up (but not before I did). Lmao bitch 🤣 I'm seeing you as a red flag first if you have a problem with a hustle.

I didn't even want this job that bad but I can't believe the recruiter or whoever it was before I get “recommended” over to the hiring manager asked me why I changed jobs 4 times in the last year and looked at that as suspect? And then in response I go and say that I was looking for a full time role so I don't see that as something that is negative in fact im doing what's best for me which is seeking full time work. And she literally said she didn't like the way I responded and hung up (but not before I did). Lmao bitch 🤣 I'm seeing you as a red flag first if you have a problem with a hustle.

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