
i’m getting 4 teeth taken out and my manager only approved of one day off (i asked for 2-3).

what’s the most professional way i can confront this and tell them straight up “i will most likely be physically incapable of going to work” without coming off petty or spiteful? i asked her weeks ahead of time i’d need probably two days off for surgery, i even had her excuse is i didn’t emphasize i HAD to have an extra day off (because who wouldn’t want to go to work the day after surgery?) there’s technically no reason for me to even be at work considering they need two people working to run the store and there’s already two people closing. I have a doctors note now, i’d honestly be fine losing this job. it’s just the way my manager responded to this has broken a straw on the camel’s back, to the point where i want them to fire me for not coming in and i can file…

what’s the most professional way i can confront this and tell them straight up “i will most likely be physically incapable of going to work” without coming off petty or spiteful? i asked her weeks ahead of time i’d need probably two days off for surgery, i even had her excuse is i didn’t emphasize i HAD to have an extra day off (because who wouldn’t want to go to work the day after surgery?) there’s technically no reason for me to even be at work considering they need two people working to run the store and there’s already two people closing.

I have a doctors note now, i’d honestly be fine losing this job. it’s just the way my manager responded to this has broken a straw on the camel’s back, to the point where i want them to fire me for not coming in and i can file wrongful termination.

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