
I’m getting fired tomorrow. I don’t want to work anymore. Suggestions?

I don't have much in savings, and will probably be able to get unemployment for 12 weeks, maybe more. I've known this was coming for about a week now. It's likely I'll be able to sue for wrongful termination as the situation surrounding my firing is total BS. I've already been applying to different jobs, but I don't want to be an office drone anymore. The question is, how do I not work anymore and still live? Do I go on welfare and cash assistance when my unemployment runs out or right away?

I don't have much in savings, and will probably be able to get unemployment for 12 weeks, maybe more. I've known this was coming for about a week now. It's likely I'll be able to sue for wrongful termination as the situation surrounding my firing is total BS. I've already been applying to different jobs, but I don't want to be an office drone anymore.

The question is, how do I not work anymore and still live? Do I go on welfare and cash assistance when my unemployment runs out or right away?

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