
I’m getting sick of the rules changing

For context, I have chronic health conditions that I always make my employers aware of. I've been fired twice for those conditions. Anyway, I get a new job earlier this year. I figure this is gonna be different. It's a super small company, none of the triggers for my illness exist, and I'm doing pretty good. A few weeks ago I got really sick. Wound up in the ER on a Friday, and they gave me these meds that ficked me up. I made it to work Monday and Tuesday but had to call out for the rest of the week. Boss seems okay with this. I get back to work this Monday and he gives me a speech about how I shouldn't come into work if I'm sick, don't be afraid to call out, yadda yadda. THEN he hands me a paper to read and sign. Yall. It was…

For context, I have chronic health conditions that I always make my employers aware of. I've been fired twice for those conditions.

Anyway, I get a new job earlier this year. I figure this is gonna be different. It's a super small company, none of the triggers for my illness exist, and I'm doing pretty good.

A few weeks ago I got really sick. Wound up in the ER on a Friday, and they gave me these meds that ficked me up. I made it to work Monday and Tuesday but had to call out for the rest of the week. Boss seems okay with this.

I get back to work this Monday and he gives me a speech about how I shouldn't come into work if I'm sick, don't be afraid to call out, yadda yadda. THEN he hands me a paper to read and sign.


It was a paper saying that I wouldn't be absent for work for more than one day a month. We'll reasses my ability to do so in October.


Then I'm told yesterday that we're hiring on a new person (good, we could use an extra hand). When I asked if that person would be made aware that I can't be around perfume and cologne (asthma is a bitch), he said “I don't know. Maybe.”

Just – I'm done. I'm so done.

Needless to say I'm already making alternate plans when I THOUGHT this would be a place I could retire from.

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