
I’m getting so tired of my supervisor, who makes more than everyone in our office, guilt tripping us into donating money all the time

The supervisor acts like she's super kind and loving and calls herself a true Christian but I can see right through her. She's very passive aggressive and very bossy but that's another issue. My issue is that she gets paid significantly more than everyone else in our department but she's always asking us lesser paid employees to donate for different causes each week. Here are some examples and how she tries to guilt trip us: Another employee in our office buys random office supplies for everyone to use (plates, utensils, candy e.t.c), and does so on her own volition, without being asked. Supervisor wants us to secretly compensate her back by leaving money in her desk drawer by saying “since we all eat her candy” (I honestly don't because I watch my sugar content) An employee that works in a different area is having fundraiser for a family member and…

The supervisor acts like she's super kind and loving and calls herself a true Christian but I can see right through her. She's very passive aggressive and very bossy but that's another issue. My issue is that she gets paid significantly more than everyone else in our department but she's always asking us lesser paid employees to donate for different causes each week. Here are some examples and how she tries to guilt trip us:

Another employee in our office buys random office supplies for everyone to use (plates, utensils, candy e.t.c), and does so on her own volition, without being asked. Supervisor wants us to secretly compensate her back by leaving money in her desk drawer by saying “since we all eat her candy” (I honestly don't because I watch my sugar content)

An employee that works in a different area is having fundraiser for a family member and she asked us to donate saying “it could be one of us” one day. Doesn't that sound like guilt tripping to you?

Never mind the fact that groceries are at a sky high, gas, (I commute 40 minutes each way), childcare costs, etc. I am an entry level employee.

I feel like if she was such a good Christian who is aware that she's the highest paid in there she would cut a check on everyone's behalf.

Or am I just being an asshole?

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