
I’m giving a one week notice.

I was gonna post this on true off my chest, but I felt like this was a better place. I've worked retail since April and I landed a great bartending job last week. I start next week and I'm giving my current job a one week notice. My last straw was seeing I was scheduled for 6am-3pm on Halloween. Here's the reasons why this set me off: I don't own a vehicle I have to uber most days which basically eats the first hour and a half of work time so if I only work 4 hours, it was a complete waste of my time showing up. they did not ask me if I would be available or have rides that early (no offers either). I don't even get paid enough to cover $250 rent plus any other bills. Unless I somehow turn immortal and never need to eat again.…

I was gonna post this on true off my chest, but I felt like this was a better place.

I've worked retail since April and I landed a great bartending job last week. I start next week and I'm giving my current job a one week notice.

My last straw was seeing I was scheduled for 6am-3pm on Halloween. Here's the reasons why this set me off:

  • I don't own a vehicle

  • I have to uber most days which basically eats the first hour and a half of work time so if I only work 4 hours, it was a complete waste of my time showing up.

  • they did not ask me if I would be available or have rides that early (no offers either).

  • I don't even get paid enough to cover $250 rent plus any other bills. Unless I somehow turn immortal and never need to eat again.

  • I'm 26(f) and so tired of being treated like an inexperienced 17 year old by militant managers who tbh act like 17 year old mean girls themselves.

  • They've bullied people into quitting so their friends can have that position.

  • There is absolutely no way to advance in the store unless you've sold your soul to them (having a completely open schedule and complete flexibility).

  • Having a ridiculous work load and being expected to do it in a third of the amount of time it actually takes, then getting talked down to because we can't meet times.

  • THEY KEEP HIRING PEOPLE instead of paying the workers better and giving the hours to current employees.

  • They're always somehow “over on hours” and I hope I never hear that dumb fucking statement ever again. It's a crock of shit.

The list could go on. I'm just tired. Tired of it all. I'm sure it's disrespectful to only give one week notice, but I think it's disrespectful as hell not to ask for availability and expect so much when they have the lowest base pay in the entire mall with no sign of a raise larger than 5-10 cents.

I'm so excited to finally contribute my half again to household bills and have money left over for whatever. So by next Friday, I'm finally free 🥰

Edited for formatting… I didn't realize how terrible it read

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