
I’m going to a Union meeting today, and I’m really scared.

My workplace started a unionization effort a little while ago and I'm going to a union meeting today. I'm genuinely terrified as hell. I'm not sure how many meetings they've had, I've just been invited for the first time. Last time they caught some members of management sneaking into the meeting to get people's names, one manager even nearly started a fight with the rep. I'm so sick of the bullshit, I shouldn't have to be so scared to stand up for my rights. But I could lose my job, I wouldn't be shocked if they started firing people who attend for random minor infractions. They've done shadier things in the past. No matter what the law says, they can bully and intimidate as much as they want if they pick their words carefully. I wish I could say that I was going to courageously stroll into the meeting and…

My workplace started a unionization effort a little while ago and I'm going to a union meeting today. I'm genuinely terrified as hell. I'm not sure how many meetings they've had, I've just been invited for the first time. Last time they caught some members of management sneaking into the meeting to get people's names, one manager even nearly started a fight with the rep.

I'm so sick of the bullshit, I shouldn't have to be so scared to stand up for my rights. But I could lose my job, I wouldn't be shocked if they started firing people who attend for random minor infractions. They've done shadier things in the past. No matter what the law says, they can bully and intimidate as much as they want if they pick their words carefully.

I wish I could say that I was going to courageously stroll into the meeting and start rallying people together, I care so much about this. But the truth is I'm genuinely scared of losing my livelihood. As much as I wish things would change, I'm able to keep the lights on and food on the table. Am I really going to risk it all for the possibility of something a little better?

I've already made my decision, the answer is “yes”. If not for me, than for my coworkers who have already put themselves at risk, and the unknown others who wish they could but lack the courage or stability to risk everything.
Scrolling this sub gets you “fired up” and driven to make change, but those feelings are tested when the reality of consequences set in. I may not have a job in a few days, years of my life deleted. But I'll know I did what was right.

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