
I’m hanging on by a thread. Already bawling my eyes out this morning.

I hate my job so much, but I'm trying so hard to remain calm. I know being unemployed is worse, but I work only 18 an hour. I work from home and I'm STILL bawling my eyes out. I'm on the phones and emails all day to homeowners and contractors and building departments. Our department is heavily and laughably short staffed. This time last year we had about 8 people in this department and now we have 2 including me, and the other person is on vacation this week so I'm basically running a one man show. Granted my supervisor is “helping out with phones” a bit but he's so “busy” that anytime I need help with something he doesn't reply in his chat for an hour or two at a time. This morning, I asked my department manager for help on a question I didn't know – she's always…

I hate my job so much, but I'm trying so hard to remain calm. I know being unemployed is worse, but I work only 18 an hour.

I work from home and I'm STILL bawling my eyes out. I'm on the phones and emails all day to homeowners and contractors and building departments. Our department is heavily and laughably short staffed. This time last year we had about 8 people in this department and now we have 2 including me, and the other person is on vacation this week so I'm basically running a one man show. Granted my supervisor is “helping out with phones” a bit but he's so “busy” that anytime I need help with something he doesn't reply in his chat for an hour or two at a time.

This morning, I asked my department manager for help on a question I didn't know – she's always advocating about “support” and says “we'll always support you guys in anyway we can”, so this morning I asked her a question because I was confused about something and she basically told me to go figure it out myself. She's like “well what does xyz say?” and I'm like “I… Don't know?” and she's like “do you remember where to find that information” and I said no I don't think anyone showed me because it's from a different department but if you guys did then I obviously forget since it's not my department (I said it in nicer terms) she then said to open up this certain form and take a peak for the answer. That's it. It's still not resolved because I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

I'm resentful as fuck because we did have 2 others in this department but they got hired in different departments and the VP is encouraging they leave this already heavily short staffed department!! I was like are you kidding me!! We need them here! That's what they got hired for!

All that plus homeowners yelling at me on the phone for things that aren't my fault, I'm hanging on by a fucking thread. I've cried every day for the past 2 weeks. I've applied to many jobs since but it's all I can till I get a call back is just apply apply apply.

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