
I’m having to steal to have basic necessities, I can’t even afford them. This isn’t OK.

This is just a vent about how I don't get paid enough to even afford the basic necessities one needs to survive. I make $16.75 an hour, and I'm having to go to the food bank every two weeks to survive off rice, beans, and bread. I live with two roommates and still struggle paying the rent. Every month, it's something with one of them; they can't pay their share of rent, electric, water, internet, etc. I feel like I'm constantly drowning and can't get my head above water. I've been told by social services I “make too much” to qualify for SNAP benefits. I had to steal a box of tampons today. My period was 4 days early (thanks stress) and I knew I didn't have enough in my bank account for toilet paper, a box of tampons and a few groceries. I can't even afford a pack of…

This is just a vent about how I don't get paid enough to even afford the basic necessities one needs to survive. I make $16.75 an hour, and I'm having to go to the food bank every two weeks to survive off rice, beans, and bread. I live with two roommates and still struggle paying the rent. Every month, it's something with one of them; they can't pay their share of rent, electric, water, internet, etc. I feel like I'm constantly drowning and can't get my head above water. I've been told by social services I “make too much” to qualify for SNAP benefits.

I had to steal a box of tampons today. My period was 4 days early (thanks stress) and I knew I didn't have enough in my bank account for toilet paper, a box of tampons and a few groceries. I can't even afford a pack of fucking chicken breast because it's so outrageously expensive. I put my purse on top of the box of tampons and paid for the rest of my items. I can't afford Tylenol for the cramps, or a heating pad. I can't afford shampoo or conditioner. I'm using fucking dollar store dish soap to wash my hair. My phone is 4 years old, completely paid off. I don't blow stupid amounts of money on clothes, or weed, or booze like my roommates do. Can't even tell you the last time I had actual takeout, or even shitty Mcdonald's food. I try to be as frugal as possible and I'm still struggling.

Everyone says to get a better paying job or move to a low cost of living area but I can't do that with the money I don't have. I have no savings. I don't want to go into debt to go back to school but it seems like that's the only way to get mildly ahead.

I'm just angry that I'm in this position. That either I have to steal from Walmart to make ends meet or go into debt to make ends meet. That I had three different job interviews in the past month that have gone nowhere. That I just can't seem to get ahead and I know I'm not the only person dealing with this. I just need a break, I need something to give so I can actually thrive, not just survive off peanuts.

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