
I’m healing from surgery and they keep giving me “points” for missing work.

I am probably going to need a number of days off due to an intense procedure I had about 2 months ago. I won't go into detail, but basically my urethra is fucked and needs some follow up procedures/appointments that could potentially mean months more of healing. I had to go back to work because the bills need to be paid some how. My work has a points system that is “not meant to be negative and is just used to track attendance”, however a certain amount of points gets you a writeup so I have no clue why they think people won't take it as a negative. I've never heard of getting a point for missing a day as a positive or neutral. They sent me a passive aggressive email telling me how to check my points since I took a day last week while feeling really under the…

I am probably going to need a number of days off due to an intense procedure I had about 2 months ago. I won't go into detail, but basically my urethra is fucked and needs some follow up procedures/appointments that could potentially mean months more of healing. I had to go back to work because the bills need to be paid some how.

My work has a points system that is “not meant to be negative and is just used to track attendance”, however a certain amount of points gets you a writeup so I have no clue why they think people won't take it as a negative. I've never heard of getting a point for missing a day as a positive or neutral. They sent me a passive aggressive email telling me how to check my points since I took a day last week while feeling really under the weather. I still haven't checked.

I rarely take time off work and when I do it's almost always for medical reasons, but I still get points added if I don't make up every hour I missed by working overtime during the same pay period – of course im not paid for the OT. I am exhausted as it is and haven't slept throughout the night since my initial procedure in early Feb so I'm refusing to make up any time right now. I high key hope they fire me to since my disability has not gone through and I am struggling to work even an 8 hour day. I can at least collect unemployment at that point. Thankfully I work from home so I can make my 20 daily trips to the bathroom without being side eyed.

I have been a great employee to this company. I am severely underpaid with an MBA, rarely took time off, and up until my surgery, made up every hour I missed. I hate this job. I don't feel like I'm helping anyone here aside from helping my shitty CEO make more money.

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