
I’m in a living hell due to workplace bullying

I've been at my job since the summer and my manager has been a classic workplace bully. She's driven me nuts and ruined my confidence, it's been demoralising. She interrupted me, withheld vital information to them later use against me, negated everything I say, discriminated against my disability, lied, marked me down in probation for reporting bullying, humiliated me Infront of coworkers, called me slow Infront of people (I'm autistic) and even got physical a few weeks back. It's all come to a head and I reported her to HR but I've been told to be a good colleague because she's stressed. I'm trying to be a good colleague but this week she's been awful, pulling my practice up to other colleagues and creating a vile atmosphere. I'm so worried I'm going to get sacked because when the CEO is in she acts like the model manager, but when the…

I've been at my job since the summer and my manager has been a classic workplace bully.

She's driven me nuts and ruined my confidence, it's been demoralising. She interrupted me, withheld vital information to them later use against me, negated everything I say, discriminated against my disability, lied, marked me down in probation for reporting bullying, humiliated me Infront of coworkers, called me slow Infront of people (I'm autistic) and even got physical a few weeks back.

It's all come to a head and I reported her to HR but I've been told to be a good colleague because she's stressed. I'm trying to be a good colleague but this week she's been awful, pulling my practice up to other colleagues and creating a vile atmosphere.

I'm so worried I'm going to get sacked because when the CEO is in she acts like the model manager, but when the CEO leaves she's evil and everything is about me and my autism. I feel totally gaslit.

I don't think I'm after advice, I just want to know what others did about their workplace bullies?

I feel totally drained.

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