
I’m in management and I think my employees are treated fairly. Why are they unmotivated?

I understand that everything is expensive right now but they’re all young with barely any expenses. I’m not too much older than the youngest employee, just a few years older. Anyways, they’re all paid fairly, the lower paid guy gets paid maybe $7 an hour less than me. There’s one employee who makes more than me. (Very small crew). Everyone has benefits, health dental retirement, life insurance whatever you can think of we offer. I work twice as many hours as anybody there I put in more physical labor than everyone there and yet they are still unmotivated. I don’t think I’m taking advantage of anybody, but they just complain about how they don’t make enough or how they work too much or their job is too hard. They work 40 hours a week and slack off the whole time. I’m a younger millennial they are mostly older gen z.…

I understand that everything is expensive right now but they’re all young with barely any expenses. I’m not too much older than the youngest employee, just a few years older. Anyways, they’re all paid fairly, the lower paid guy gets paid maybe $7 an hour less than me. There’s one employee who makes more than me. (Very small crew). Everyone has benefits, health dental retirement, life insurance whatever you can think of we offer. I work twice as many hours as anybody there I put in more physical labor than everyone there and yet they are still unmotivated. I don’t think I’m taking advantage of anybody, but they just complain about how they don’t make enough or how they work too much or their job is too hard. They work 40 hours a week and slack off the whole time. I’m a younger millennial they are mostly older gen z. Are they just all lazy? What’s going on here? How do I motivate them? Also I run about a 25% labor cost in an industry where 12-15 is standard. They’re not overworked.

Edit: I’m the one who is overworked and burned out. I’m underpaid and my life is fucking miserable. The reason I’m asking this is because I’m tired of having unreliable unmotivated employees that leave me to do all the work. And to put a cherry on top I work for a large corporation that incentivizes profit by offering more money to the grunts not to managers. They all have potential to make more money than I make. My earning potential comes from hours worked.

Edit: I work in retail/sales. Physical labor is involved. (Installing and such)

Edit: “Sounds a lot like OP is a foreman/manager of a blue collar work crew (car/truck/equipment mechanic, etc).” Accurate assessment

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