
I’m in sales, and for the past year all of my interviews have been pitching me

Every business is now an MLM. I used to go to interviews trying to demonstrate my skillset and industry-specific knowledge. Now for 10 minutes I have to listen to some hype manager telling me if I hustle on no leads or travel reimbursements, I'll make $200k a year. If so, then why do you need someone with 6 years of sales management experience? Another wanted a written guarantee that my personal contacts would bring their business $250k in revenue in the first 60 days. If I could guarantee that why wouldn't I leverage that for a start-up loan? Sales inherently involves uncertainty, but managers can't accept that and just seek to blame performance on employees. Guiding leads down the marketing funnel is about increasing the odds of customer acquisition, not forcing the product down their throat.

Every business is now an MLM. I used to go to interviews trying to demonstrate my skillset and industry-specific knowledge.

Now for 10 minutes I have to listen to some hype manager telling me if I hustle on no leads or travel reimbursements, I'll make $200k a year. If so, then why do you need someone with 6 years of sales management experience?
Another wanted a written guarantee that my personal contacts would bring their business $250k in revenue in the first 60 days. If I could guarantee that why wouldn't I leverage that for a start-up loan?
Sales inherently involves uncertainty, but managers can't accept that and just seek to blame performance on employees. Guiding leads down the marketing funnel is about increasing the odds of customer acquisition, not forcing the product down their throat.

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