
I’m just losing all hope

My job recently hired one of those guys that come in and make everything more “efficient”. (Think like the movie office space but in a machine shop environment) Well the axe came down Friday during a meeting that they will be cutting hours. Evidently according to them the company isn't doing well. Even though there is a brand new $150,000 car sitting outside in the bosses parking spot. I just feel so betrayed. I've honestly came in every day since I started working there and tried to make quality parts and be a good team player. I used to work weekend hours when we were struggling to make enough parts to put our products together. I really thought that I found a good place to work for once. There is even a video online of our shop tour where there is a few second clip of me with a big…

My job recently hired one of those guys that come in and make everything more “efficient”. (Think like the movie office space but in a machine shop environment)

Well the axe came down Friday during a meeting that they will be cutting hours. Evidently according to them the company isn't doing well. Even though there is a brand new $150,000 car sitting outside in the bosses parking spot.

I just feel so betrayed. I've honestly came in every day since I started working there and tried to make quality parts and be a good team player. I used to work weekend hours when we were struggling to make enough parts to put our products together. I really thought that I found a good place to work for once. There is even a video online of our shop tour where there is a few second clip of me with a big smile waving at the camera. I wish they would take it down.

After the meeting I walked up to the owner and said a few things in frustration, nothing vulgar or anything, but this man did not give one single fuck about what I had to say. He's probably going to take the easy way out and fire me.

Just to add insult to injury, on another occasion I had one of the other managers touch me inappropriately and nobody cared one bit. He's one of the bosses favorties and walks around like he can fuck with anybody and get away with it. Well I guess he can. You would think somebody who is an experienced machinist/tradesman would be better than that.

There has been smaller episodes like this and when they happen I schedule an appointment with my psychiatrist and try and see if tweaking my meds could help calm me down. Why should I have to be on meds to put up with things like this?

It feels like no matter what you do it's impossible for some of us to win. I moved across the country to try and start a new life in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and its all turning to shit.

Anyways thanks to anyone who reads this, cause nobody else in my life gave a shit.


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