
I’m just so exhausted. Same as everyone.

How in the fuck are we supposed to keep this up? We work long weeks, with long commutes and earn pennies for the privilege to do so. Everyone has a worn-out body which struggles with day to day activity. We get (at most) 2 days off a week to recover and even that barely does it. And we're made to feel guilty for taking that time! We're judged on the few things that we might enjoy and that make us happy. I just don't know what to do or say anymore. I want to buy a little caravan and move into the forest and pretend this world doesn't exist. Fuck ya job, fuck ya credit scores and fuck any capitalistic society where the exploitation of the common man is not only standard, it's expected.

How in the fuck are we supposed to keep this up? We work long weeks, with long commutes and earn pennies for the privilege to do so. Everyone has a worn-out body which struggles with day to day activity. We get (at most) 2 days off a week to recover and even that barely does it.

And we're made to feel guilty for taking that time!

We're judged on the few things that we might enjoy and that make us happy.

I just don't know what to do or say anymore.

I want to buy a little caravan and move into the forest and pretend this world doesn't exist. Fuck ya job, fuck ya credit scores and fuck any capitalistic society where the exploitation of the common man is not only standard, it's expected.

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