
I’m leaving my old job in three days, and now corporate wants me to stay.

Pretty much what the title says. I come in first every day, leave last every night. I'm “on salary,” so I get paid for working 40 hours even when the job demands 50 business hours and up to 60 hours based on the workload. I was brought on to help improve our performance metrics after my shop lost a HUGE account. It's taken a year but I got us there. We got the account back starting June 1. I asked for a raise in November. I was told there wasn't “room in the budget” for the raise I wanted. Got less than 1/3 of what I asked for. I started putting in applications the same day I signed the raise contract in January. There was no “non-compete” clause so I figured why not? Finally found a position I liked this month. Got hired and signed the offer letter 10 days…

Pretty much what the title says. I come in first every day, leave last every night. I'm “on salary,” so I get paid for working 40 hours even when the job demands 50 business hours and up to 60 hours based on the workload. I was brought on to help improve our performance metrics after my shop lost a HUGE account. It's taken a year but I got us there. We got the account back starting June 1.

I asked for a raise in November. I was told there wasn't “room in the budget” for the raise I wanted. Got less than 1/3 of what I asked for. I started putting in applications the same day I signed the raise contract in January. There was no “non-compete” clause so I figured why not?

Finally found a position I liked this month. Got hired and signed the offer letter 10 days ago and I'm leaving my old job Friday. Now, my boss and corporate want to keep me. They're promising to match my offer letter from the new job. But I honestly resent how I get treated at this job.

Despite being hired literally to get this account back, I'm paid the second lowest of anyone else. They already hired a replacement and he's making more to start than I am after my raise plus a sign on bonus. The workload is horrible and several of my coworkers seem to regard me as “the help.”

Any advice?

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