
I’m lost. I’ve lost all faith in everything.

Right before I knew the pandemic was even an issue I quit my job. I was a graphic designer for Fastsigns. They'd told me I was making $14.50, when in reality I was making $14.25. They rehired me over a phone call, I had previously quit to take a several month long vacation to travel the US because I knew I couldn't take the time off to do it. Before that I was making $13.50. They told me I'd receive a $1 dollar raise upon returning. I didn't realize it until several months later that I didn't receive the full $1 raise because they still had my info and just did direct deposit. I confronted them about it and told them I wanted back pay for all the time I wasn't being paid what I was told. I'd also spoken with a new hire only to find that they were…

Right before I knew the pandemic was even an issue I quit my job. I was a graphic designer for Fastsigns. They'd told me I was making $14.50, when in reality I was making $14.25. They rehired me over a phone call, I had previously quit to take a several month long vacation to travel the US because I knew I couldn't take the time off to do it. Before that I was making $13.50. They told me I'd receive a $1 dollar raise upon returning. I didn't realize it until several months later that I didn't receive the full $1 raise because they still had my info and just did direct deposit. I confronted them about it and told them I wanted back pay for all the time I wasn't being paid what I was told. I'd also spoken with a new hire only to find that they were being paid $15. They laughed at me and said if the paper work says $14.25 then that's what I'll be paid and that the new higher was lying. I responded with, well maybe they don't know what they're actually being paid either! This led them to say that they could pay me $18 and I quote, “hell, I could get you $24 an hour, but that won't make you happy here.” I stormed out of the room and went directly to the other 2 senior designers I thought I was close with and asked them what they were being paid. One chose not to disclose the info and the other told me $16. The one who said $16 has a newborn child and had been there 10 years, I'd only been there maybe 3 years, I was outraged. I packed my things and walked out. Only to find out later that they lied to me about their wage…

Then the pandemic hit full swing. everything shut down and I was jobless for a year. Thankfully my SO was laid off and received unemployment. I decided to try getting a job at another Fastsigns. I walked in to apply and everything was going great. They told me they could pay $16 and they were eager to hire me… Then they called my previous manager. He told them I was a lousy worker, that I was late every day and not to hire me. They listened. FUCKING LIES. I showed up early every day, I worked late, I did everything they asked of me. I didn't just do Design work. I did deliveries, installed vinyl, dug post holes for signs, worked with clients… everything, but front desk. I drove straight to his store and confronted him about his bullshit. “I didn't think we had any problems,” I said. “what did you say about me?” already knowing exactly what he said. He lied and said he didn't say anything bad, that it was their decision not to hire me. “oh yeah!? then why did they tell me that you said I was late and lousy??” Suddenly he hurumphs and tells me to gtfo of his office. He follows me outside and tells me I must have balls the size of an elephant to call him a liar and that I'd never work at a Fastsigns ever again.

I was furious. I went to upper management, tried to get a meeting with the owner saying I'd do anything to fix what had happened just give me a fucking job, give me a chance! I never heard from them and gave up. I even went there in person several times.

I tried Target next, but the labor was too mind numbing even for $15, the most I've ever made.

I tried a bowling alley, I like working in a kitchen it's what I did before Design. They said they'd pay $11.75, turns out a month later its actually $10.25.

I tried another sign shop. Alpha Graphics. They hired me as front desk, I thought it'd be good experience, I've done everything else in the sign business may as well get that last piece of the puzzle for $13.50. Then they start asking me to do everything, just like Fastsigns, no raise, just do front desk, design, production, install, fuck you. I end up being the only one there who knows what they're doing. I try to tell the owner, hey man I know a lot about this business, you don't even do proof pages for your clients and we've installed things wrong several times, I can do this for you, I can help this place run more efficiently. “what happened to you in your life where you think you can talk to people this way” is what he told me… I stormed out again.

I could keep fucking going and going about this shit. These aren't the only jobs that have fucked me. 3di sign and design, my first sign shop job. started as a shop hand, worked my way into a design position when the other one quit. Did several jobs for them, one they explicitly said was a several million dollar job and it said so on the work order. when I asked to be paid more than $11.75 after completing it they said, “I don't think design is the right thing for you.” I stormed out.

I'm fucking done… I haven't been able to find a good job since the pandemic started and I don't even want to anymore. I've been starving myself for 3 years to save money. I eat about 1,200 calories a day as a 6' tall man. I'm dyeing, the world is dying and I want it to just die already.

Vent over.

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