
I’m missing $100-$200 from my paystub, and received a violation.

Roughly two weeks ago, my companies computerized system for clocking in/out went down, so we all had to use the wall clock. Despite clocking in/out with the wall clock, I didn’t get paid for that day. Not only this, I received a violation for not clocking in/out which is now permanently on my employee card. I noticed this just today. What should I say to them if they start giving me shit over me confronting them nearly two weeks later? It’s almost as if they punished me twice because their fucking system went to shit.

Roughly two weeks ago, my companies computerized system for clocking in/out went down, so we all had to use the wall clock. Despite clocking in/out with the wall clock, I didn’t get paid for that day. Not only this, I received a violation for not clocking in/out which is now permanently on my employee card. I noticed this just today. What should I say to them if they start giving me shit over me confronting them nearly two weeks later? It’s almost as if they punished me twice because their fucking system went to shit.

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