
I’m not going to lie, I almost shed a tear after hearing about what my daughter did to her new boss.

For context, my daughter is in her very early 20s, and is in her first full time job. She also has a long list of medical conditions that has delayed her start into college. As of right now, she works part time. So, my daughter works for a corporate sales store, Company X. Company X generally has favorable morale as the line of work attracts a lot of awesome personalities. When she was first hired, all of the managers were awesome except the GM. GM was a typical corporate puppet that only knew how to talk to people in a business setting. In spite of their flaws, they were always fair and rewarded hard work. They didn't have any tyrannical or micromanager traits. So generally, the GM was viewed favorably in a “not bad, could be worse” way. Well, the GM moved stores a few weeks ago. So insert transfer…

For context, my daughter is in her very early 20s, and is in her first full time job. She also has a long list of medical conditions that has delayed her start into college. As of right now, she works part time.

So, my daughter works for a corporate sales store, Company X. Company X generally has favorable morale as the line of work attracts a lot of awesome personalities. When she was first hired, all of the managers were awesome except the GM. GM was a typical corporate puppet that only knew how to talk to people in a business setting. In spite of their flaws, they were always fair and rewarded hard work. They didn't have any tyrannical or micromanager traits. So generally, the GM was viewed favorably in a “not bad, could be worse” way.

Well, the GM moved stores a few weeks ago. So insert transfer from another Company X store. And this dude is a douche-bag re-wrapped at a thrift store. Absolute scum bag micromanager.

One of my daughter's primary jobs is to keep things clean. Specifically, making sure the register areas are clean and orderly, and the higher maintenance isles be free of clutter and constantly cleaned. Company X is traditionally in a larger space, so they have to make things fit.

She was told to stop cleaning the register area because it takes up too much of her time. So she stopped cleaning the register areas. Low and behold, 2 days later, they're wondering why the registers are so dirty. So now they've asked her to clean them again…

She has to ask for a few days off a month due to medical appointments. Well, sure enough, the new GM doesn't believe her. In fact, he privately told another manger that he doesn't believe she has any medical needs. He's even told her that she has to lift things over her weight limit, which her doctors have said no to. He says she needs to do this until she gets a note.

Naturally, she's told him to go pound sand.

He now is also asking every employee to sign a new “employee standards notice”, which states that no-notice absences are only acceptable with a doctors note afterwards. And that the doctors note is at the discretion of the GM. Further, it instills even more clothing and grooming regulations that are not a part of Company X's policies.

Needless to say, she told him “no”, that she won't be signing the new “employee standards” and even explained to other workers why she isn't. After reading it, most of the other employees agreed that these new standards are stupid and unrealistic. Many have asked why some of them conflict with Company X's policies.

Even more proudly, they way she is explaining it, she has no respect for this new GM and does not care to appease him at all. One of the other managers have contacted Corporate HR and are asking for clarification on where these new policies are coming from.

I couldn't be more proud as a parent. To have such a spine at such a young age. I'm glad she's standing up for herself and encouraging others to do the same. She knows what's at risk but it doesn't phase her one bit.

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